Blue Moon



Clear skies on a cold night,
Two lovers, far apart in distance,
But not in hearts.

In those nights,
She told him to look outside,
Stare at the moon with her.

But he refused,
Because to him, the moon and the stars,
Were nothing, compared to the beauty of her eyes.

Now he is standing outside, alone,  looking up,
And the only thing bluer than that moon,
Is his heart.
For he missed the chance to look at that moon with her.





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I have just recently really committed myself to running a blog, so this site is a work in progress, but I hope to improve it over time. For now, I will use it to share my thoughts and writings, as well as my attempts at photography with you. All pictures were taken by me, and I would ask you kindly to ask for permission if you want to use them publically. The same goes for my writings. I hope you enjoy my contributions, and I am always open to suggestions for improvement!

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