

She sat by him,
And opened up about her life,
Her worries, her troubles.
All the while anxious,
He would stand up and walk away,
Scared off by the baggage she was carrying with her.

Little did she know
That the more she opened the windows to her soul,
The stronger his love for her would grow,
And even the strongest winds,
Would only make his roots wrap around her stronger.

Since to him, this was what love was all about,
A shoulder to lean on, an ear always open,
An emotion unconditional that could only ever grow.

And as he whispered these words in her ear,
He kissed her on forehead,
As she fell asleep in his arms,
Finally safe,
Finally home.


(photo taken in Levi Jackson State Park, London, KY, 2017)

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I have just recently really committed myself to running a blog, so this site is a work in progress, but I hope to improve it over time. For now, I will use it to share my thoughts and writings, as well as my attempts at photography with you. All pictures were taken by me, and I would ask you kindly to ask for permission if you want to use them publically. The same goes for my writings. I hope you enjoy my contributions, and I am always open to suggestions for improvement!

4 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Good evening dear,

    The lady of love carry everything within herself.
    Very nice poetry of yours,
    Thank you so much for it.
    I adore it.
    Best regards

    Liked by 1 person

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